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With the Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Laws, having scales on Council’s front end loaders is essential.


WHY CHOOSE COMPULOAD -The Australian made COMPULOAD scales for front end loaders comes in 3 models, and I would like to explain what each COMPULOAD scale indicator can do for your Council.



This scale allows 3 different data (such as Job Number. Products, Truck Rego) to be stored against the total weight loaded onto a truck plus the date and time. The printed docket will show all these details.

  1. Job Number. By entering the Job Number, this allows staff to track the amount of materials used in a specific job. This provides a record for estimating the tonnages of materials required for similar jobs in the future.
  2. Products or Materials, This records the total tonnage of the different types of materials used against the Job No
  3. Truck Rego, Allows tracking of materials handled by each tipper


The indicator will show each bucket load weight and add that weight to the running progressive total.

This scale can have an optional onboard printer so that the tipper driver can carry a weight docket.

Another option (if the loader is operating in either 3G or 4G coverage), is that stored data for each loaded tipper, can be electronically transmitted to an office PC as soon as the truck has been loaded.


COMPULOAD 6000 – as the TRADE APPROVED scale

According to Federal Government laws, a Trade Approved scale must be used when a country Council is buying gravel, sand etc from farmers for road repairs and the price payable is determined by the tons loaded onto your trucks. For a TRADE APPROVED scale, an onboard printer is required by law.



This is like a COMPULOAD 6000 but without the data storage capability. Onboard printer and weight data transmission is also optional. 


See attached brochures for each of the above scales. Over 50% of WA Councils have COMPULOAD scales


If it is Council’s practice to order scales as an accessary when ordering a new front end loader, remember to specify the Australian made COMPULOAD scale, and specify which model you require.


If you have any questions at all, please call 0418 914 350 now. Instant Weighing provides annual District Run calibration services, with written calibration reports to provide Management a paper trail should you be audited by a Mains Roads Inspector. We would call inviting your participation in the District Run.

Main Roads CoR laws impacts on all levels of MANAGEMENT within Council.

You must be able to show the Main Roads Inspector what you as management have put in place so that your staff know how much they have loaded onto Council trucks

Instant Weighing Crane truck with Certified Test Masses used in our Annual District Runs

Crane truck